While you’ve probably done your research on how to decorate your table and spruce up your mantel for the holidays, you likely haven’t considered how to practically prepare your home for the cooler weather. Here are three practical tips for winterizing your home this season as well as some simple, budget-friendly tips and tricks.
1. Make sure your home is properly insulated.
Sure, you can just crank the heat up in your home to keep the chill away, but your power bill will certainly reflect this. Looking for a nifty trick for winterizing your home? During the day, uncover the windows that face south so that your home will heat up from the sun. Once the sun goes down, use insulated curtains to cover your windows and keep the heat in your home. You can also take curtains a step further by using magnetic tape to secure them closer to the wall.
2. Locate any leaks in your home.
Have you been feeling chilly breezes from certain nooks and spaces within your home? It’s time to plug those spaces to ensure your home isn’t leaking heat outside or any other winter weather indoors. Start by checking your chimney, gaps between your doors and windows, pipe joints and even mounted fixtures. To seal the nooks causing the leaks, you can use a plastic sheet and caulk as well as weather stripping, all of which can easily be found at your local hardware store.
3. Adjust your thermostat to save on your bills.
To stay warm during the winter months, that doesn’t mean that your power bills need to skyrocket! A good rule of thumb is to keep your home at around 68 degrees when you’re home. This way, your home is still comfortably warm while being cost-effective. Then, when it’s evening or you are away from home, it’s best to keep the temperature at no higher than 58. To help you remember to adjust the temperature, there are many programmable thermostats on the market to help you monitor your temperature to save cash in the long run.